Words that end in ant,with short sentences


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Words that end in ant

Explore the rich variety of “ant” ending words.

WordExample Sentence
AbundantThe orchard was abundant with ripe apples.
AdamantHe was adamant about not changing his mind.
AdherentShe is a strict adherent to the rules.
AdjutantThe adjutant assisted the general with his duties.
ApplicantThe job applicant was nervous during the interview.
ArrogantHis arrogant attitude made him unpopular.
AscendantThe company’s stock was in the ascendant.
AspirantAs an aspirant chef, she practiced cooking daily.
AssistantThe dental assistant prepared the tools for the procedure.
AttendantThe parking attendant directed cars to empty spaces.
BlatantHis lie was a blatant attempt to deceive us.
BrilliantHer brilliant solution solved the complex problem.
BuoyantThe buoyant mood lifted everyone’s spirits.
ClaimantThe insurance claimant filed for compensation.
CognizantShe was cognizant of the risks involved.

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short sentences

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WordExample Sentence
CombatantThe combatant prepared for the martial arts tournament.
CommandantThe commandant inspected the troops.
ComplainantThe complainant filed a formal grievance.
CompliantThe new software is compliant with industry standards.
ConcordantTheir views were concordant on most issues.
ConfidantShe confided her secrets to her trusted confidant.
ConsonantHis actions were consonant with his beliefs.
ConstantThe constant noise from construction was annoying.
ContestantThe contestant nervously awaited her turn on stage.
ContaminantThe lab tested the water for any contaminant.
CoolantThe mechanic refilled the car’s coolant.
CormorantThe cormorant dove into the water to catch fish.
CovenantThey signed a covenant to protect the land.
CroissantShe enjoyed a fresh croissant with her morning coffee.
DebutantThe debutant made her first appearance in society.
DefendantThe defendant pleaded not guilty to the charges.
DefiantThe defiant child refused to follow instructions.
DescendantHe claimed to be a descendant of royalty.
DeterminantCost was a major determinant in their decision.
DeviantHis deviant behavior concerned his parents.
DissonantThe dissonant chord jarred the listeners.
DominantThe dominant team won the championship.
DormantThe volcano had been dormant for centuries.
ElegantShe wore an elegant gown to the gala.
ElephantThe elephant trumpeted loudly in the savanna.
EntrantThe new entrant quickly adapted to the workplace.
ExorbitantThe exorbitant price of the ticket shocked them.
ExpectantThe expectant mother prepared the nursery.
ExtravagantHis extravagant lifestyle led to financial troubles.
ExuberantThe exuberant crowd cheered for their team.
FlagrantHis flagrant disregard for the rules got him expelled.
FlamboyantThe flamboyant performer dazzled the audience.
GallantThe gallant knight rescued the princess.
GiantThe giant redwood towered over the forest.
IgnorantHe was ignorant of the local customs.
ImportantShe had an important meeting with the CEO.
InfantThe infant cried for its mother.
InformantThe police relied on an anonymous informant.
InhabitantHe was a long-time inhabitant of the small town.

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 end in ant,with short sentences
WordExample Sentence
InstantThe instant coffee provided a quick caffeine boost.
IntolerantShe was intolerant of any form of discrimination.
ItinerantThe itinerant worker moved from job to job.
JubilantThe jubilant fans celebrated their team’s victory.
LevantThe ship sailed towards the Levant.
LitigantThe litigant presented his case in court.
LuxuriantThe garden was filled with luxuriant vegetation.
MalignantThe doctor diagnosed a malignant tumor.
MendicantThe mendicant monk lived solely on alms.
MerchantThe merchant displayed his wares in the market.
MilitantThe militant group staged a protest.
MutantThe mutant gene caused an unexpected trait.
NonchalantHe remained nonchalant despite the chaos around him.
OccupantThe sole occupant of the house was an elderly man.
PageantShe won first place in the beauty pageant.
PeasantThe medieval peasant worked the lord’s land.
PenchantHe had a penchant for spicy food.
PendantShe wore a golden pendant around her neck.
PetulantThe petulant child threw a tantrum in the store.

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Words that end in ant
PleasantWe had a pleasant conversation over dinner.
PoignantThe film’s poignant ending moved the audience to tears.
PollutantThe factory released a harmful pollutant into the river.
PregnantThe pregnant woman craved unusual food combinations.
PropellantThe rocket used a powerful propellant for lift-off.
ProtestantShe attended a Protestant church every Sunday.
PuissantThe puissant leader commanded respect from all.
QuadrantThe ship’s position was marked in the upper right quadrant.
QuaintThey stayed in a quaint cottage in the countryside.
RadiantThe radiant bride walked down the aisle.
RampantCorruption was rampant in the local government.
RecalcitrantThe recalcitrant student refused to complete his homework.
RecreantThe recreant soldier deserted his post.
RedundantThe extra words in the sentence were redundant.
RelevantShe provided relevant information to support her argument.
RemnantA remnant of the ancient civilization was discovered.
RepugnantThe idea of eating insects was repugnant to him.
RestaurantWe enjoyed a delicious meal at the new restaurant.
ResultantThe resultant force propelled the object forward.
SavantThe musical savant could play any song after hearing it once.
SealantHe applied sealant to prevent water leakage.
ServantThe loyal servant had worked for the family for decades.
SignificantThe discovery had significant implications for science.
SlantThe road had a slight slant to the left.
SomnolentThe somnolent audience struggled to stay awake during the lecture.
StagnantThe stagnant pond was a breeding ground for mosquitoes.
StimulantCoffee acted as a stimulant to help her stay alert.
SycophantThe sycophant constantly praised his boss to gain favor.
TenantThe tenant complained about the lack of heating in the apartment.
TolerantShe was tolerant of other people’s beliefs and customs.
TransplantThe patient received a life-saving heart transplant.
TriumphantThe triumphant team hoisted the trophy.
TruantThe truant student was caught skipping class.
VacantThe vacant house needed repairs before it could be sold.
VagrantThe vagrant sought shelter in the abandoned building.
ValiantThe valiant firefighter rescued the child from the burning building.
VariantThis variant of the virus spreads more quickly.
VigilantThe security guard remained vigilant throughout his shift.

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